Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. | Article

Auto Accident Attorneys in Michigan Discuss New Statistics on Increase of Teen Distracted Driving

Car accidents remain the number one cause of death among teenage drivers. In fact, according to a recent study released by the Governors Highway Safety Association, deaths of 16 and 17 year olds in traffic accidents in the first six months of 2012 were up 19 percent over the same time period in the previous year. Reports showed that there were 107 teen drivers killed in that sixth month period in 2012, compared to 86 teen deaths in 2011 in that same time period.

State official believe that this increase in car accidents among teens is due to the advancement in technology, which allows a greater opportunity for teens to drive while being distracted. In another study to back that reasoning, done by the Wireless Association (CTIA), in the month of June 2011, more than 196 billion text messages were sent or received in the United States, up nearly 50% from June 2009.

Driving while texting is a form of distracted driving, and is extremely dangerous, yet very common, particularly among teenagers. In Michigan alone, according to MLive.com, 61% of teens admitted to texting while driving. The use of a cell phone while driving proved to be dangerous and very apparent in Michigan, as MLive also released reports that since 2001, 800 car accidents per year involved cell phone use. In addition, in 2010, in the State of Michigan, from January to June, there were a total of 397 car accidents that involved cell phone use.

Other studies have also shown that dangerous crashes are not just limited to texting while driving car accidents. Distracted driving can also consist of eating, talking to passengers, applying makeup, reading (including maps), using a navigational system, adjusting the radio, attending to children in the back seat, and more.

Michigan law does prohibit to text while driving. The Michigan anti-texting law (sec. 257.602.b) states that driver shall not “read, manually type, or send a text message on a wireless 2-way communication device that is located in the persons’ hand or in the person’s lap, including a wireless telephone used in cellular telephone service or personal communication service, while operating a motor vehicle that is moving on a highway or street.”

Persons killed or injured in a Michigan auto accident due to a negligent driver texting while driving, or any other form of distracted driving do have the legal to pursue claims for personal injuries against the negligent driver as well as a claim for no-fault insurance benefits. Victims, including teens injured in Michigan auto accident, even if considered at fault, may also have means to file a claim for no-fault insurance benefits.
If an individual is killed in a distracted driving auto accident, the family of the deceased may have the right to file a Michigan wrongful death lawsuit and/or file a claim for survivor loss benefits. Survivor loss benefits may be able to be claimed even if the driver killed was at fault for the collision.

“When an individual is injured in an accident, it is important that that person hires a Michigan car accident attorney who will pay detailed attention to the case. By limiting the number of cases our personal injury law firm accepts, our top rated auto accident attorneys can devote our full time and energy to each client,” says Partner and Trial Attorney Lawrence J. Buckfire.

About Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C.

Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. is a Michigan personal injury law firm that had developed a reputation as experienced legal professionals who produce consistent proven results. The firm represents victims injured and killed in all types of distracted driving motor vehicle accidents, including car, motorcycle, and truck. The distracted driving car accident lawyers in Michigan, P.C. also have significant experience in assisting victims and their families file no-fault insurance claims against the insurance company for injuries suffered in a texting while driving accident, or any other type of auto accident. Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. has been featured on The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, CNN Money, Michigan Lawyers Weekly, dbusiness Magazine, Fox 2 News, and more.