
Law Firm in Indianapolis, IN

Cline Farrell Christie & Lee, P.C.

Cline Farrell Christie & Lee, P.C. | Law Firm photo
Exceptional. Passionate. Trusted. Personal Injury Attorneys.
We have prac­ticed law together since each of us became an attor­ney between 25 and 38 years ago. In 1993, we founded our own firm, Cline Far­rell Christie & Lee. We have devoted our entire legal careers to rep­re­sent­ing indi­vid­u­als and fam­i­lies who have suf­fered injury and loss as a result of the neg­li­gent actions of oth­ers. We are deeply com­mit­ted to our clients, to our com­mu­nity, and to each other.

In 2001, we pur­chased the his­toric Bals-Wocher House, built in 1869, and made it into our office. Our build­ing is con­sid­ered one of the finest exam­ples of Ital­ianate archi­tec­ture in Indi­anapo­lis and was estab­lished on the National His­toric Reg­is­ter in 1979. We are proud of our home, which reflects our firm’s sta­bil­ity and its long­stand­ing com­mit­ment to our clients and our community.
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Practice Areas
 Legal Services  Motor Vehicle Accidents
 Abuse (Child, Domestic, Sexual)  Malpractice - Professional
 Auto (Speeding, Traffic)  Negligence
 Auto (Accidents, Insurance)  Online / Video Legal Consultation
 Class Actions (Drugs, Products)  Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks
 COVID-19-Related Legal Help  Personal Injury
 Criminal Law  Product Liability
 Discrimination/Harassment  White Collar Crime
 Employment Law  Workers' Compensation
 Health Care & Insurance  Wrongful Death
 Injuries & Accidents  Wrongful Termination
 Medical Malpractice